Crypto Mining
Mint Fund Distributions
Last updated
Mint Fund Distributions
Last updated
Crypto Mining
50% of mint funds will go directly into buying Crypto Miners. Using Neo Vikings mining operation, Hoarder's Collections will purchase miners from revenue generated from mint funds. This will be immediate with Neo Vikings getting miners producing within 35 days of purchase.
The Numbers
The following numbers are estimates but are based off of current operations set by Neo Vikings. We will base the numbers off the purchase of the following miners which would be our minimum goal with mint funds:
5- L9 16Gh LTC+DOGE 5- S21 XP 270th BTC
With these miners, based off of cost and return, Neo Vikings has placed the estimate of a $9k profit each month. This can fluctuate depending on costs and value of tokens mined.
The purpose of this venture is to create a constant revenue coming into the Hoarder's Collections Business. This will allow Hoarder's Collections to build all their goals in each of the specific collections under its umbrella.
How the monthly profit will be distributed can be found here.